What I like about Surecell

It’s very unfortunate but bad experiences, especially those that happen when you are young, may mean you develop a fear or phobia as a result in later life. For example, the mere sound of a dentist’s drill is enough to set my teeth on edge (literally) as it brings flooding back memories of a rather brutal NHS dentist I was subjected to back in the UK as a child. Similarly if like me your veins are “deep” and not easily brought to the surface, you may, like me have a fear of needles due to clumsy and painful attempts of well meaning nurses “trying to find a vein” and after several very painful attempts,extract some blood. Therefore if this is putting you off the idea of having any treatments at Sure Cell let me put your mind at rest.

From the very top Dr Peter Lewis has probably given more injections than any Doctor on the planet! If you want to see him you must book an appointment He is not often in Pattaya as an extremely hectic schedule seems him jetting around the many Sure Cell clinics throughout Australia, Bangladesh, Dubai etc. and visiting private patients in China and throughout Asia. However, his training and “needle expertise” carries on throughout Sure Cell. Therefore whoever you find attending you from the doctors through to the nurses you will find the procedure as painless as possible. The delicate touch and reassuring confidence everyone exudes can put even the most nervous patient at ease.

The clinic is spotlessly clean with staff who are extremely professional and yet still friendly and happy to explain every step of the procedure.

If you visit their website http://www.surecell.co.th/events before going to the clinic at the top of Soi 6, Pratumnak you will find a list of all the available treatments with helpful videos giving clear concise, explanations. However, whatever treatment you do go to Sure Cell for rest assured you will be in safe – painless hands!