What makes a good school?

This question has sparked and divided the opinions of parents and educators since time immemorial. I have to confess to having a dog in this fight: as the Deputy Head of School at MIS, I am going to make the case for why I feel MIS is a good school. Before I begin to wax lyrical about our school, it is worth taking some time to explore what parents look for when choosing a good school for their children.
A longitudinal survey by EdChoice, asked this question to parents in the USA, with some interesting results. Location seems to be the most commonly cited factor, with 42% of parents saying it is an important consideration when choosing a school. Next, parents suggest that their child’s ability to fit in and make good social connections at the school are mentioned, somewhat surprisingly these come above academic reputation and safety. For me, this is encouraging, as parents seem to be prioritising their child’s well being above their results. Given the decline in young people’s mental health during lockdown and online/hybrid learning, I think we all recognise the importance of putting wellbeing first.
So then, now for me to make my case. In my previous role, I visited MIS for a tour and to interview the Head of School, Matt Coutts, for an article that was published here in Discover Pattaya. When I did, three things struck me, almost immediately.
The first were the smiles on the faces of the students and how friendly they were. It seemed that no matter where I went, I was greeted with, ‘Good morning’, and children asking me my name. I have spent time in dozens of schools, both in the UK and internationally, and this really doesn’t happen everywhere.
Secondly, the greenery and colour throughout the campus. The school’s owner, Dr. Wiravan Mooltripakdee, is determined that the school should avoid a corporate feel and that the students should see MIS as a second home. Plants and nature are everywhere, which means that despite the school’s size, well over 1000 students, you still feel like you could be walking through a friend’s garden.
Finally, was my conversation with the Head of School. As always, during my walk around I ask the Head what the core values of the school are. Over the years, I have heard many different answers, some focusing on academic rigour, some on driving standards, others on creating ambitious students who will go on to thrive in adult life. While these are all laudable goals, Matt’s answers spoke with me: he was focused exclusively on the students, particularly their happiness and wellbeing. He spoke about the parents, how the school’s owner saw them as part of the family and how it was important that they felt welcome and comfortable when they visited. When I asked him to try to encapsulate these ideas in a sentence he said, ‘MIS wants to make the international school experience available to as many students as possible’. This idea of inclusivity, of community and of putting students and their families first, struck a chord with me and is a big part of the reason why I chose to join the leadership team at MIS.
MIS is going through a period of rapid change. Student numbers have grown exponentially in the last few years, which is a great sign, and we have recently opened a raft of new facilities. No large organisation is without its strengths and areas where it can improve, but I have been impressed with the willingness to develop, to introduce new and better practices, and to offer the best education we can, while striving to keep the school at a price point where it is accessible for as many parents as possible. In a recent survey carried out by the school, over 90% of our parents said they would recommend us to a friend or relative. 95% of our parents felt that they could communicate their wishes to their child’s teacher and that they were listened to. And it was great to hear that 94% of our secondary school students said that they were satisfied, or very satisfied, with their overall school experience – and if you have spent much time with teenagers, you know that that is a minor miracle!
MIS is a Cambridge accredited school and examinations centre, following the British curriculum, culminating in IGCSE and A Level qualifications. While our students achieved some remarkable results, I am also proud of the school’s commitment to never become just an ‘exam factory’. Part of my role is to oversee our Safeguarding and Wellbeing Teams. These are made up of teachers, special educational needs coordinators, school counsellors and nurses, who work tirelessly to support our students. I am very proud of the work they do and that while we strive for academic excellence, the best interests of our students will always be paramount. The school has ambitious plans for its future, of which I am thrilled to be a part. Our challenge though is to recognise all the things we are doing well, the environment we have created and how overwhelmingly happy our students and families are, so that as we develop and improve, we don’t lose the community spirit that so many have come to feel a part of and love.
MIS is a Cambridge accredited school and examinations centre, following the British curriculum, culminating in IGCSE and A Level qualifications. While our students achieved some remarkable results, I am also proud of the school’s commitment to never become just an ‘exam factory’. Part of my role is to oversee our Safeguarding and Wellbeing Teams. These are made up of teachers, special educational needs coordinators, school counsellors and nurses, who work tirelessly to support our students. I am very proud of the work they do and that while we strive for academic excellence, the best interests of our students will always be paramount.
The school has ambitious plans for its future, of which I am thrilled to be a part. Our challenge though is to recognise all the things we are doing well, the environment we have created and how overwhelmingly happy our students and families are, so that as we develop and improve, we don’t lose the community spirit that so many have come to feel a part of and love.