Merry Christmas Everyone. Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year
from everyone at Discover Pattaya and Pattaya Trader
May we interrupt you from your holiday preparations to, first of all, wish you our readers, advertisers and contributors the very best for Christmas and the New Year. We hope that if possible you are all able to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve with friends family and loved ones. If not here’s hoping that you will soon be reunited in 2022
We would also like to say a heartfelt thank you for all your support and encouragement over 2021 and let you know of our future plans for 2022. Here’s hoping we can help your business grow and prosper. We shall certainly do our best and hope that you may find some of these ideas a good way to kick start what’s new in 22!
PERSONALISED, PROFESSIONAL VIDEOSFor quite some time now Barry and Gloria have created a monthly video as a synopsis of what can be found within the pages of the Discover Pattaya magazine and on the Pattaya Trader website. If you have missed any of these or have a few boring moments to fill (haha) please go to our Youtube channel: “Pattaya Trader” where you can still view them.
New for 22 we are additionally offering individual professional videos beautifully filmed and presented.
Available for your specific business, hotel, restaurant or company, these can include an interview with your CEO, Owner or Manager and really show off your team and your company in the very best possible light. Great to have on your website, social media and of course shared throughout ours. For more information:
Contact Gloria – [email protected] phone 0837 683696 or LINE gloriajonespattaya
During 2020 and 2021 with all the rules and restrictions placed on us because of this dreadful virus, we have prided ourselves on being able to continue to put out a monthly printed edition.
This has sometimes been extremely challenging as certain lockdown months have meant that some of our usual distribution points have been closed. At these times we have elected to concentrate on our supermarket partners – after all everyone needs food even during a lockdown!
Needless to say, our magazines are quickly snapped up like the proverbial hotcakes. So if you ever feel frustrated by the fact that you haven’t been able to pick up a printed edition please remember you can view the magazine easily by going to We have spent a lot of time and effort in the past year refining the online magazine so that it is hopefully now extremely easy to use, download and view – even on a mobile phone.
This is true not only for the current month but also for previous editions. If you go to the BACK ISSUES page you will also be able to find view at least 2 years worth of back copies.
Some Pattaya sports bars and restaurants have asked us to include discount vouchers on our pages. To date, we have resisted doing this not liking the idea of having pages torn from our beautiful glossy magazine. Also, I thought it a somewhat old fashioned, down-market method of marketing with memories of older generations coupon cutting whilst on holidays abroad.
However, the success of recent takeaway services has focused on deals that have proved popular and brought the idea back into fashion so that it now seems to be a good way to introduce new customers to your business. Therefore new for 22 is a flyer that will be given with each and every Discover Pattaya magazine headed Discover Pattaya’s Dining Discounts and that will include a selection of discount offers.
As we have mentioned with the combined force of the well established Pattaya Trader online followers and the very well received upmarket Discover Pattaya printed magazine we are uniquely placed to help you reach the have a unique opportunity
Contact Gloria – [email protected] phone 0837 683696 or LINE gloriajonespattaya
One of the advantages of having a long-established database is that it can provide a well-focussed marketing aid for you to piggyback on, Pattaya Trader’s extensive listing of customers, businesses, residents (both Thai and ex-pat) provides exactly that. Email messaging has for a while now been a successful alternative to online marketing but it takes time and effort to put out content that won’t go straight to the Junk folder or be unsubscribed from. With our listing of direct email addresses and experience at journalistic copy that can be enticing to both the people already living in Pattaya and those who would like to visit we can provide something fresh and exciting each month that readers will want to open.
Contact Gloria – [email protected] phone 0837 683696 or LINE gloriajonespattaya
During the pandemic social media has become more important than ever and we have found our 3 Facebook sites really growing as a result. Pattaya Trader Page, Pattaya Trader Group and Pattaya Trader Expat Ladies Group we hope provide interesting content and information for our many followers. Please check them out and join as they are for you the Pattaya Community to enjoy and of course you can direct message us with any ideas through these pages.It certainly seems that the majority of arrivals into Pattaya since the 1st of November appear to be people who have been waiting for some time to re-enter Thailand without having to quarantine. Holders of long term visas, retirement, Elite visas, work permits etc. Many have kept in touch with Pattaya through viewing our magazine online. It may be that we do not see the return of international tourists in any great numbers until well into 2022 – perhaps into Easter holidays and the Songkran period. Therefore in the meantime let us help you reach out to the resident community of people already living in Pattaya and those who hope to visit soon.
Contact Gloria – [email protected] phone 0837 683696 or LINE gloriajonespattaya